The Sloppy Chef's Unbleached Cheesecloth is perfect for cheese making, cooking, polishing, staining, filtering, straining, and as an alternative to butter muslin. Our modern cheesecloth is woven in a pristine medical manufacturing facility to ensure product purity. Grades of cheesecloth reflect thread count - the higher the grade, the finer the weave. This cheesecloth is made from natural food grade cotton (unbleached, never dyed cloth). Made of 100% cotton, this unbleached muslin fabric is durable, washable, and reusable. It's absorbent, which makes it ideal for making hung curd, soy milk, cottage cheese and more. This strong 100% natural cotton fabric can be washed and used again and again, which saves you money, and helps the environment too. Wash in the washing machine or by hand in the sink. Avoid detergents and fabric softeners. Use only mild detergent if necessary, and rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue. If there are bits of curd sticking to the cloth, rinse with whey or white vinegar to help remove it.